Archives / August, 2004

Whatever Happened to "The Customer is King"?

B2B published a synopsis of an unbelievably pathetic study last week, which I’ll excerpt here in case that flaky-looking link doesn’t work: More than 50% of global brands fail to answer e-mails, study finds…Fewer than half of the top global brands bother to answer e-mail correspondence sent to their Web sites, according to a study by Common Sense Advisory, a research company…”Our research showed that responding to prospects and customers appears to be a problem for most companies,” said Donald A. DePalma, the lead analyst for the report. Sixteen percent of those surveyed don’t offer e-mail or Web communication with current and prospective customers, the study found. Ok, the last paragraph is a little sad, since email and the web…

The Land Without Blogs (Can You Imagine?)

We just spent three days whitewater rafting in Glacier National Park, Montana.  It was great fun for many reasons, but one thing that really struck me is how rare it is to completely unplug these days.  No cell phone, no email, no TiVo, no electricity.  Not even an iPod.  Just a raft, a tent, and an open fire for cooking.  And I’d venture to guess that of the 15 other people on our trip besides the two of us, not a single one even knows what a blog is, let alone writes one.  In many ways, those three days of being unplugged were as refreshing as two weeks on many other vacations.